
Snoring And Sleep Apnea Treatment In Mumbai, India “Jaw Position, Blocked Airways & Snoring”

Snoring is a sound produced during sleep, caused by the vibrations of relaxed tissues in the back of the throat. While snoring is common in many people, it can also signify an underlying issue, such as sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep-disordered breathing is a condition where breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep.

Sleep apnea is a type of sleep-disordered breathing that can be caused due to snoring. It occurs when a person’s airway is completely blocked, resulting in pauses in breathing that can last from mere seconds to long minutes. It can keep a person awake throughout the night, causing them to wake up frequently. This can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and other health issues.


It can be a sign of more serious conditions, such as sleep apnea, which needs to be evaluated by a healthcare professional at the earliest. You can self-identify the following symptoms and then reach out to a specialist for sleep apnea and snoring treatment.

Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea


Daytime sleepiness

Difficulty waking up in the morning

Poor performance in school, sports or on the job

Increased clumsiness

Falling asleep during work or class

Risk of serious accidents and injuries

Poor Concentration


Energy levels

Ability to retain information

Irritability and Moodiness


Loss of Libido

Tiredness even after waking up

It should be noted that chronic sleep deprivation might result in long-term consequences, leading to health issues such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality.

If you are experiencing two or more of these symptoms, you should consider seeing a sleep apnea specialist at the earliest.

Causes Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA):

As we have seen, snoring is one of the common causes of obstructive sleep apnea. When a person’s airway is blocked, their body compensates by breathing through their mouth. This often causes snoring and, in turn, OSA.

Listed below are numerous risk factors that can induce snoring and cause sleep apnea:







Family History Of Sleep Apnea



Nasal Congestion

Old Age

Are You Suffering From Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

Are you feeling fatigued and drowsy during the day even after a good 7 hrs of sleep?

Dr Ankita Shah, one of the pioneers and leading sleep apnea specialists in Mumbai, focuses on providing holistic treatment to her patients, while also placing equal emphasis on their physical and emotional well-being.

Fix Your Snoring

Snoring And Sleep Apnea Treatment In India:

1. Myofunctional Therapy

Snoring and sleep apnea can be caused by airway blockages resulting from muscle dysfunction in the tongue and facial area. Myofunctional therapy, a non-invasive treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, uses exercises to correct this dysfunction and has been shown to effectively alleviate obstructive sleep apnea and snoring in many people.

2. Sleep Appliances

Sleep appliances such as Silensor, Dorsal Sleep Appliance, Prosomnus [CA] LP Continuous Advancement Sleep Device and Prosomnus Evo Sleep and Snore Device are used to treat snoring and sleep apnea. They work by repositioning the lower jaw, creating optimal tongue space. These appliances help clear airway blockages, reducing snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep appliances offer an excellent alternative to invasive treatments, significantly improving sleep quality and overall health.

3. Airway Orthodontics

Airway Orthodontics treats jaw, sleep, and breathing disorders caused by backward jaw position and incorrect tongue posture. It expands and moves the jaw forward to improve airway width, spine posture, and tongue posture while protecting the TMJ joint for healthy breathing and sleep.

4. Tongue Tie Release (Functional Frenuloplasty Procedure)

Tongue Tie refers to a condition where the lingual frenum, the band of tissue connecting the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, is shorter than usual. This can restrict the tongue’s movement, leading to snoring during sleep as the tongue falls backward. Tongue tie release procedures such as Functional Frenuloplasty can treat tongue ties and thereby alleviate snoring or sleep disordered breathing caused due to restricted tongue movement.

5. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a sleep apnea treatment that can also alleviate snoring. It involves wearing a mask over your nose or mouth while sleeping. The mask is connected to a CPAP machine that delivers a steady stream of air pressure that helps to keep the airway open, preventing snoring.

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